Saturday, August 23, 2014

Introductions and Preliminary Apologies

        Ok, everyone, first of all, let's get the obvious things out of the way. You're here because you either think my Christian movie reviews (previously done exclusively on Naomi's Facebook wall) are hilarious, or by complete accident. If the first, welcome to my cohesive platform for criticizing mainstream Christian media! And by criticizing, of course, I mean "evaluating critically, using sound biblical teaching and a dose of common sense." I'm really excited to get started watching hyped Christian movies that are just straight-up, hilariously bad. I also plan to watch movies that I think are actually good (or at least, start a healthy conversation about Jesus and God and religion and stuff - media like "Book of Mormon" the musical, "Jesus Christ, Superstar [the '70s version, duh!], and if I can get around to having time to actually read a book, "Lamb: the Gospel of Biff.") Super huge disclaimer here: I am a medical student, and my life is hella busy, so don't think that I'm going to post reviews like every other day. You will be disappointed, and then I'll be sad, because I hate it when people are disappointed in me. I'm thinking like every two weeks, if I stay on top of things.
        Now, on to the people who arrived here by accident, and have never read one of my reviews: this is NOT Plugged In Movie Review. This is NOT where I take a popular Christian film and tell you how good it is and how it will improve your relationship with Jesus. I will probably say something that you find offensive at some point. Before you get angry, sit back and think "Ok, am I offended because she said something that challenges popular conception of Jesus/God/Christianity, or am I offended because what she said was ACTUALLY offensive?" If it's the first, yeah, that's probably going to happen. It's good for you. If you don't like too much boat-rocking, get off the boat. If it's the second, I sincerely apologize in advance. However, I am coming at this project from a certain viewpoint, one that is definitively NOT mainstream Christianity. Things that I will NOT do - 1) Make fun of God/Jesus and 2) Make fun of Christians as a homogenous group. Things I will probably do - 1) make fun of certain portrayals of Jesus/God (especially if it is not biblical, or better yet, lifted verbatim from the gospels) and 2) make fun of Kirk Cameron, because Kirk Cameron. Again, if what I say is offensive to you, stop reading. I don't read Matt Walsh's blog because I think he's kind of a terrible troll. If reading my blog makes you want to punch me in the face, haha, lucky for me, because unless you're one of my classmates, you won't get that opportunity because you don't know where I live. But also, stop reading it.
        Great. Now that I've got all of my apologies and justifications out of the way, ON TO THE MAIN EVENT!!!
        Oh, sorry, one last thing - the title of this blog comes from my good friend Clint Harris, and he said I had to credit him. I think that's just because he likes seeing his name in print, attached to accolades.

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