Sunday, November 20, 2016

War Room


          “War Room” (alternate title: Prayer, Not Mutual Effort, Changes Things) is by the same people that did “Facing the Giants” and “Fireproof,” and several others. Obviously, it’s going to be incredible and well-done. According to the trailer, Seemingly Perfect Wife and Seemingly Perfect Husband are not having a great time with each other, and Adorable Daughter knows it. In the course of doing her job, Seemingly Perfect Wife meets Wise Black Woman, who shows her the “War Room” in her house, which is basically a closet with prayer requests taped to the walls, where she retreats to do battle with the powers and principalities, because prayer, and not mutual effort, changes things. Seemingly Perfect Wife is inspired by Wise Black Woman, and, tired of fighting with Seemingly Perfect Husband, makes her own War Room. Eventually, through concentrated prayer and also mutual effort, their marriage improves and by the end, everyone is praying, because it is prayer, and not mutual effort, that changes things. Also, according to the poster, BETH MOORE is in this movie, and if there’s anyone whose theology is JUST MY FAVORITE, it’s Beth Moore. So I’m really looking forward to this.

1.       Seemingly Perfect Husband is a pharmaceutical rep, and he bought a doctor a new golf club? OMG SIR YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO DO THAT. If boards practice questions have taught me anything, it's that you can totes give him a new stethoscope or tongue depressor or whatever, but NOT a new golf club.
2.       Seemingly Perfect Husband meets Flirty-Flirt Hottie and woo-woo, sparks.
3.       Seemingly Perfect Husband walks into the house and immediately starts yelling at Seemingly Perfect Wife about money, because he makes more than she does, and apparently that’s a thing that you need to hold over your wife’s head.
4.       Seemingly Perfect Husband and Wife go to church and meets Flirty-Flirt Hottie who walks in at the end of the sermon and makes eyes at Seemingly Perfect Husband. That’s is just rude. A sermon is most of the way through the service, jeez, just wait in the foyer until it’s over, gosh.
5.       Seemingly Perfect Husband is a giant jerkface, and I’m changing his name to Jerkface Husband.
6.       Jerkface Husband seriously just told Adorable Daughter, who is apparently an ace double-dutcher, that “she’s too old to jump rope." That is just mean, and wtf is wrong with you?
7.       Wise Black Woman (trope!) is introduced because Seemingly Perfect Wife is helping sell her house. She is adorable, and I love her, and her house is beautiful and I want to buy it.
8.       Jerkface Husband calls Flirty-Flirt Hottie to go on a date, because of course he does. Dude, you are so gross, and you don’t deserve the effort that your wife goes through on your behalf.
9.       Wise Black Woman gives Seemingly Perfect Wife a cup full of lukewarm coffee because Seemingly Perfect Wife says that her spiritual life is “neither hot nor cold, it just is,” and honestly, that’s hilarious, mostly because coffee is gross, and I don’t care if people ruin it.
10.   Wise Black Woman shows Seemingly Perfect Wife the “War Room” that is in her closet. She calls it her War Room because it’s where she goes to fight in prayer for people. As a pacifist, I am largely uncomfortable with the militaristic terminology that goes along with going into battle against the powers and principalities armed with the weapons of Scripture and whatnot, but there is something to be said for making a concerted effort to think of others and work towards the improvement of their lives.
11.   “Wise Black Woman, I don’t have all this time to pray for Jerkface Husband every day!” “Oh yeah? But you have plenty of time to fight losing battles with Jerkface Husband, though, right?” ZINGGGGGG.
12.   Wise Black Woman tells Seemingly Perfect Wife that she needs to pray and also just lay down and take it for awhile until Jerkface Husband sees that he’s being a big meanie, and spontaneously changes himself. Um, no, that is not ok, and that’s an incredibly harmful way of thinking about marriage.
13.   Jerkface Husband does not value his wife’s family enough to help them through a financial tight spot, even though he just got another whopping bonus from work. Also he complains about his wife’s smelly feet, which is just rude af.
14.   Jerkface Husband tells Wise Black Friend about how he’s tired of “my wife and her junk,” and bro, you don’t deserve all the effort your wife is putting in on your behalf.
15.   Wise Black Woman tells Seemingly Perfect Wife to back off from yelling at Jerkface Husband and make a concerted effort to love him, and also to pray about it, and he’ll come around eventually, who knows when. And, you know, making an effort is not a bad idea, and playing “wait and see” is not terrible, but at some point, you have to say “you know what, no. Enough of this”
16.   Seemingly Perfect Wife walks around her house shouting at the devil to get out of her house, and honestly, that is a pretty effective self-talk strategy right there. There certainly is something to be said for consciously thinking about things as though someone else has control of them – really helps one to be objective.
17.   Flirty-Flirt Hottie invites Jerkface Husband back to her apartment to “try a bottle of wine.” He agrees, but then feels gross and barfy, which is probably a reaction to being a jerkface who doesn’t deserve the effort his wife is putting in on his behalf.
18.   Once she submits to God, Seemingly Perfect Wife starts selling houses like a boss, attending her daughter’s double-dutch tournaments, and suddenly everything is perfect, because #ProsperityGospel
19.   Jerkface Husband comes home and reads his wife’s text messages about him flirty-flirting with another woman and gets SUUUUUPER ANGRYYYYY because HOW DARE HE FLIRTY-FLIRT WITH ANOTHER WOMAN.
20.   Jerkface Husband can’t understand how his wife isn’t SUPER UPSET about him losing his job because he cheated his employers, BUT OBVIOUSLY IT’S BECAUSE SHE HAS JESUS NOW.
21.   Jerkface Husband looks for his gym bag in his wife’s closet/prayer room and finds all her handwritten notes and goes to his Wise Black Friend, who is like “DUDE THIS IS IMPORTANT, WOMEN DON’T JUST GIVE UP CLOSET SPACE FOR NOTHING, DAWG.” Bro, NOBODY just gives up closet space, ok, it’s not just a lady-thing, don’t be sexist.
22.   Inspiring music swells as Jerkface Husband realizes what a jerkface he’s been. ABOUT TIME, BRO.
23.   Jerkface Husband realizes that Adorable Daughter is totally adorable, and actually super good at double-dutching; and that his wife is fantastic and still sticking around even though he’s been a jerkface; and he’s totally shocked and apologizes for everything, and now I’m sure everything will be totally awesome, because it’s super easy to break deeply-ingrained habits.
24.   Everything is going great now, because they’ve all submitted to God, and everything is just awesome because #ProsperityGospel
25.   Apparently double-dutch tournaments are a Thing, and they look super cool, actually.
26.   Pumpy “Owl City” sound-alikes play “Me Without You” which is another “Jesus is my boyfriend” song that is super catchy, and also super common in Bad Christian Movies (see "Christian Mingle" review).
27.   Oh, now suddenly everyone is praying, ok. Oh, check it, “See You At The Pole!” I did that, once. Most awkward thing ever. I am just not all about the public displays of religiosity, unless it involves posting satirical articles about Christianity and Mennonites to my Facebook page.

          In conclusion, “War Room” was not as terrible as some of the movies I’ve reviewed for this blog. I do not appreciate the theology that says women are expected to doormat for their husbands until *eventually* they come around, and that says women should love their husbands because God loves us that way. Yes, but we are not God, and for better or for worse, our love is conditional on our spouses not being jerkfaces. I’ve known too many women who have stayed with Jerkface Husbands because “that’s what God wants me to do” to be cool with that narrative. Ultimately, yeah, prayer is great, whatever. But you have to know when enough is enough, and when it’s time to talk, and when it’s time to say “you know, not anymore.” Christianity can be pretty abusive with the theology of staying with a jerkface spouse, and I just don’t think we need an entire movie about it (actually, two - see "Fireproof" review) – people get it often enough from their churches.
          Also, apparently Beth Moore was in a scene, and I didn’t realize. That’s fine, I don’t care for her particular brand of religiosity.